Re: [802SEC] +++ SEC Rules Change Letter Ballot +++ Ballot on SEC electronic balloting
disapprove. ditto the comment thread
At 11:28 PM 8/27/02 -0400, Matthew Sherman wrote:
>Dear SEC members,
>Attached you will find the text for an SEC rules change letter ballot on SEC
>Electronic Balloting. Note that this letter ballot was originally approved
>at the Friday March 15, 2002 plenary session, but was never sent out. I had
>to regenerate the text to be balloted from the minutes of the March SEC
>meeting. It happens there have been some minor updates to the text in
>question based on more recent rules changes ("1st" has been inserted in
>front of "Vice Chair"). Also the phrase "(or other Executive Committee
>member designated by the LMSC Chair)" was not indicated as a change in the
>March SEC meeting minutes, but is clearly added text. Finally, I added an
>editorial comma after "The Chair" in The text could probably be
>improved with further such editorial, but I'll leave that for the rest of
>The scope and purpose of the changes being balloted is as follows:
>Scope: To improve the SEC process for electronic balloting.
>Purpose: To facilitate the SEC consensus process.
>The ballot opens August 27, 2002 and closes October 28, 2002 12 midnight EDT
>(remember if you do not vote or abstain it is equivalent to a DISAPPROVE
>vote). Buzz, please ensure this gets sent to the "802ALL" email list as
>well. WG chairs, if you haven't already done so, please invite your WG
>members to comment through you.
> <<SEC e-ballot rules change.pdf>>
>Matthew Sherman
>Vice Chair, IEEE 802
>Technology Consultant
>Communications Technology Research
>AT&T Labs - Shannon Laboratory
>Room B255, Building 103
>180 Park Avenue
>P.O. Box 971
>Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971
>Phone: +1 (973) 236-6925
>Fax: +1 (973) 360-5877
Bob Heile, Ph.D
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Personal Area Networks
Chair, ZigBee Alliance
11 Louis Road
Attleboro, MA 02703 USA
Phone: 508-222-1393
Mobile: 781-929-4832
Fax: 508-222-0515