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[802SEC] Re: new 802.17 PARs for consideration in November


I understand that your Working Group wants to update 802.1D to accommodate 802.17. However, I am uncomfortable about publishing an amendment to 802.1D called "802.17a". I think that the document number of the amendment should reflect the number of the document it's amending, rather than the Working Group that developed it.

I also see that Tony's new 802.1D revision PAR is on essentially the same schedule as your project. If .17's new material could get incorporated into the revision somehow [please don't ask me how!], then perhaps you wouldn't ever need to publish 802.17a as a standalone document. In that case, I wouldn't really care about the project number of the draft.


At 9:57 PM -0400 02/10/07, Mike Takefman wrote:
>Dear SEC:
>Please find attached a PAR for 802.17a, which is in reality part of the
>obligation of the current 802.17 PAR to update 802.1D for 802.17.
>Please distribute to your WGs and direct any questions to me during
>the November meeting.
>Michael Takefman    
>Manager of Engineering,       Cisco Systems
>Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
>2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
>voice: 613-254-3399       fax: 613-254-4867
>Attachment converted: TiDrive:80217a_par.pdf (PDF /CARO) (00123CCA)