Re: [802SEC] +++ SEC Rules Change Letter Ballot +++ Ballot on SEC electronic balloting
I vote approve subject to fixing a couple of minor "nits". The proposed reads:
"After all standards, recommended practices and Technical Reports for which
a hibernating working group is responsible are withdrawn or transferred to
another group or groups, the hibernating working group will be disbanded.
The disbanding of a Working Group requires an Executive Committee ballot. A
disbanded Working Group is then completely abolished."
If the working group "..will be disbanded" when all its documents are
withdrawn or transferred, then it is not clear why there is a need for a
ballot. I think what this should be saying is that when its work is done,
an EC ballot is run to determine whether to disband the WG.
It would also help considerably if the last para was re-worded to:
a) make it clear that the question on the ballot is whether to disband the
WG (as opposed to just any question that springs to mind); and
b) make it clear that the ballot has to pass in order for the WG to be
disbanded; and
c) clarify what happens if this ballot should fail; and
d) not beg the question as to what the difference is between disbanding and
abolishing a WG.
Perhaps a re-wording along these lines would fix these problems:
"After all standards, recommended practices and Technical Reports for which
a hibernating working group is responsible are withdrawn or transferred to
another group or groups, an Executive Committee ballot shall be initiated,
in order to determine whether the working group will be disbanded.
If this Executive Committee ballot passes (i.e., shows that a majority of
the Executive Committee is in favour of disbanding the Working Group), then
the Working Group is disbanded. If the ballot fails, then the Chair shall
determine a future date for a re-run of the ballot."
At 10:41 06/01/2003 -0500, wrote:
>Dear SEC members,
>Attached you will find the text for an SEC rules change letter ballot on
>SEC Electronic Balloting. This letter ballot was approved at the Friday,
>November 15, 2002 plenary session. I have made some minor editorial
>changes to the text originally presented (inserted dates / corrected
>grammar). The ballot relates to a prior letter ballot on the same subject
>but (as explained in the letter ballot text) it is substantially changed.
>The scope and purpose of the changes being balloted are as follows:
>Purpose: To facilitate the SEC consensus process.
>Scope: To clarify and improve the SEC process for balloting.
>The ballot opens today - January 6, 2003 and closes February 6, 2003 12 at
>11:59 PM EDT. (remember if you do not vote or abstain it is equivalent to
>a DISAPPROVE vote). Buzz, please ensure this gets sent to the "802ALL"
>email list as well. WG chairs, if you haven't already done so, please
>invite your WG members to comment through you.
> <<0211SEC_SEC_e-ballot_rules_change_R2.pdf>>
>Matthew Sherman
>Vice Chair, IEEE 802
>Technology Consultant
>Communications Technology Research
>AT&T Labs - Shannon Laboratory
>Room B255, Building 103
>180 Park Avenue
>P.O. Box 971
>Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971
>Phone: +1 (973) 236-6925
>Fax: +1 (973) 360-5877