RE: [802SEC] Deadbeat rule change proposal
Some comments, a few substantive.
1. Last paragraph of section 2. This needs an additional sentence for non-LMSC interim meetings. Something like: "Interim meeting hosts other than the LMSC may collect meeting fees under direction of an appropriate Working Group officer."
2. Fix grammar on 1) of first list in 6.0.
3. Sanctions list (second list or 6.0), item 2). We have deviated from a global deadbeat list and moved to the meeting planners handling deadbeats directly with the WG chair where sign-in occurred. Is there an easy mechanism to aid WG chairs in determining when for example a 802.1 deadbeat first shows up at an 802.3 meeting that I shouldn't be granting attendance credit?
4. Last paragraph. I believe this paragraph is in contradiction with the LMSC P&P 3.1,f). As much as I trust you two people, I don't believe the right of appeal to the SEC should be revoked in this case.
5. This last paragraph is inappropriate for interim meetings not hosted by the LMSC treasury. I would be happy to off-load the responsibility, but it is probably best that the WG chair be in that position for interim's not sponsored by LMSC. We give the Chair discretion in granting membership, similar judgment should be allowed in revocation of membership.
6. Note also that to enforce a global loss of attendance accrual, WG chairs will have to report interim meeting deadbeats for consolidation onto the global deadbeat list.
--Bob Grow
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Quackenbush []
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:36 PM
To: IEEE 802 SEC
Subject: [802SEC] Deadbeat rule change proposal
Attached is my first draft of the proposed deadbeat rule changes.
I have put the new material in a new section so that it applies equally
to any LMSC standards development group meeting.
Your comments are encouraged.