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[802SEC] What 802 projects are coming to SB during the time Angela is on maternityleave RSVP

Hello All:

As my delivery date is getting closer and closer, I would appreciate
WG-Chairs letting me know ASAP, how many projects are coming to sponsor
ballot (SB) during my absence.  I will discuss my maternity plan with Sue
and Susan next week, and once approved, I will let you know the exact time
I'll be out.

I am very excited to see NINE IEEE-802 projects in the June-Revcom agenda,
especially, after all the hard work that 802 and staff have done in the
last eight months.  Hopefully, all projects will be approved.  With that in
mind, and considering that the end of July and August, are quiet months
within the 802 Committee, I believe, the work load won't be as big as it
has been in the last eight months.

On the other hand, I understand that some of you have plans to submit SB
projects during those months.  Therefore, please take a couple of minutes
out of your busy schedules, to send that information to me ASAP, as I
believe, every body (802 and staff) will benefit from it.

As always, thank you for your contributions to our standardization process
and congratulations for all the projects that made it to the June agenda.

Angela Ortiz
Program Manager - Technical Program Development
IEEE Standards, 445 Hoes Lane,
Piscataway, NJ  08855-1331 USA
Telephone: 1732-562-3809  ><  Fax: 1732-562-1571
E-m:   ><