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RE: [802SEC] Wireless LCD Projectors for use at July plenary at HR-SF


They were using an 802.11b projector at the T10 meeting though I'm not sure if it was the Epson unit. I'm going to another meeting next week so I'll try to give you more details after that. I don't think switching was any faster than with a cable, but it was nice to not have the physical constraint. 

I think the presenter had to install some software (presumably supplied with the projector) to drive the video over the 802.11b link. At least one presenter complained that his PC ran slow when driving the projector. I think there is also a port on the projector for a standard video cable. 

The T10 meetings are small compared to the 802 groups size - perhaps a maximum attendance of around 40. At the last meeting, the hotel provided free wireless internet and the projector and a local server were set up on a different channel with its own SSID so the projector wireless traffic didn't have to compete with the web browser traffic for bandwidth. It might be a problem if the projector traffic was hitting the same access point as the 802 internet traffic or internal server traffic especially in areas with a dense concentration of participants. 

One areas to investigate before buying any of these units is how the wireless bandwidth can be planned to ensure they coexist with our other 802.11 traffic.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rigsbee, Everett O []
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 4:04 PM
To:; 802 @F2F Dawn S;;
802 @F2F Jennifer Hull; 802 Bob Heile; Bob O'Hara; 802 Howard Frazier;
Paul Nikolich (E-mail); 802 Roger B. Marks; 802 Stuart J. Kerry; Tim
Godfrey; 802. 11 Al Petrick (802-11 Al Petrick); Don Berry
Cc: 802 Exec;
Subject: [802SEC] Wireless LCD Projectors for use at July plenary at

FYI-  I just happened to stumble across the Epson 735c Wireless LCD Projector (see attached specification sheet) and thought this might just be the thing for our future meetings, but wondered if anyone has had any experience with this unit, and has opinions on its suitability for use at IEEE 802 plenaries and interims.  

It seems to be price competitive with the regular wired units, and might allow a lot more flexibility in sharing an LCD projector amongst several presenters.  

Input and opinions on this notion are encouraged.  

I'm working on seeing if we can get a couple of these units to use in SF for evaluation purposes.  Any support for this from our Epson folks would be seriously appreciated.   :-)  

Thanx,  Buzz
Dr. Everett O. (Buzz) Rigsbee
Boeing - SSG
PO Box 3707, M/S: 7M-FM
Seattle, WA  98124-2207
(425) 865-2443    Fx: (425) 865-6721