[802SEC] +++EC Email Ballot entitled "20051130_16ePR": closes 11 Dec+++
Dear EC Colleagues,
This notice announces a ten-day LMSC EC email ballot that, for reference purposes, I have named "20051130_16ePR". Paul Nikolich delegated the task of managing this ballot to me.
The motion is: "To approve the press release IEEE 802.16-05/085d0, subject to final editorial revision, conditional on the approval of IEEE 802.16e by the IEEE-SA Standards Board."
The full details of the ballot are here:
That page includes:
*a link to the document under review
*background notes
*a form for submitting your vote
*a URL to a list of all votes received (updated in real time)
*a URL to upload your comments
The ballot opens on 30 November 2005 and closes on 11 December 2005.
I would appreciate it if you would try out the web-based voting system instead of responding with email. I am working to develop and propose an alternative process to our email-based system. I recognize that the system for this ballot is not ideal, but I think it is a start. Please let me know what you think.
Dr. Roger B. Marks <mailto:marks@nist.gov> +1 303 497 7837
National Institute of Standards and Technology/Boulder, CO, USA
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.