[802SEC] Motion to approve 802.22 press release
Move: That the EC approve the release of the attached press release on
802.22's progress. (The attached draft has already been reviewed and
approved by IEEE (Karen McCabe).)
Moved: Stevenson
Second: Shellhammer (Dr. Shellhammer has read the document and agreed to
2nd my motion.)
I request an EC e-mail ballot starting ASAP and running for 10 days, or
until all EC members have voted, whichever comes first. If Paul should
choose to delegate the conduct of this ballot to me, I will be happy to
accept the task.
Informational - this DRAFT press release accurately states the current
status r 802.22 and points to the significant progress that 802.22 has
achieved by going from 10 initial proposals to a single merged proposal
between November 2005 and March 2006. I think that, coupled with Stuart's
press release indicating similar movement towards consensus in one of his
TGs, it is important to give 802 some positive press rather than simply
allowing them to feed on the occasional contentious deadlock as has,
unfortunately, been the case in the past.
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.
PR_P802 22V4.doc