[802SEC] disbanding 802.5
Dear EC Members,
The time has come to disband the 802.5 Working Group. I have checked with the hibernating 802.5 WG chair, Bob Love, and he confirmed there is no interest in keeping the WG in hibernation. To my knowledge, all the 802.5 standards have been withdrawn, nor due any of the 802.5 LOAs (http://standards.ieee.org/db/patents/pat802_5.html) have an impact on any other 802 documents.
The 802 P&P state:
" Disbanding a WG After all standards, recommended practices, and Technical Reports for which a hibernating WG is responsible are withdrawn or transferred to another group or groups, an EC electronic ballot of 30 days minimum duration will be conducted to determine whether the hibernating WG will be disbanded. If the EC electronic ballot on disbanding the group passes, the WG is disbanded. If the ballot fails, then the EC Chair shall determine a future date when the disbanding of the group will be reballoted."
I believe David Law is willing to make the motion to disband 802.5 (please confirm David), I will need a second to begin the 30 day electronic ballot. Any takers?
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