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[802SEC] 802.24 Officer election announcement


802.24 will be holding elections for Chair, first Vice Chair and second Vice Chair on 14 November, 2012 at 16:00 (all times are local time in San Antonio). Individuals who wish to run for these offices shall state their intent by email to the 802.24 email list ( prior to 12 November, 12:00 or by stating their intention during 802.24's first session, 12 November, 16:00.
802.24 is also looking for a volunteer for TAG secretary.

In order to serve as Chair or Vice Chair, there are a few requirements: (IEEE Project 802 LMSC WG P&P):
"All WG Chairs and Vice Chairs shall be members of the IEEE-SA and 
non-student members or affiliate of either the IEEE or the IEEE Computer 

"The Sponsor shall confirm the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair(s)."

In order to be confirmed by the Sponsor (IEEE Project 802 LMSC P&P):

"Any person to be confirmed or elected by the Sponsor shall, prior to confirmation or election by the Sponsor, file with the Recording Secretary a letter of endorsement from their supporting entity. This letter is to document several key factors relative to their participation on the Sponsor and is to be signed by both the Sponsor member and an individual who has management responsibility for the Sponsor member. This letter shall contain at least the following:
a)    Statement of qualification based on technical expertise to fulfill 
the assignment
b)    Statement of support for providing necessary resources (e.g., 
time, travel expenses to meetings), and
c)    Recognition that the individual is expected to act in accordance 
with the conditions stated in Voting Guidance subclause 6.1 of the IEEE 
Project 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee Operations Manual dealing with 
voting “as both a professional and as an individual expert.”
Sample letters are available on the 802 web site 
James Gilb
IEEE 802.24 TAG Chair

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