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Re: [802SEC] 802 Leadership Meeting--Action Item closure for Nikolich/McCabe on published standard availability for collaboration purposes


I have updated the Chair's Guidelines to fix an editorial issue and to add Paul's update listed below. In November, we held a vote to approve the changes and so I will bring this updated document up for approval at the Friday closing plenary.
The proposed Chair's Guidelines with changed text marked can be found at:

James Gilb

On 02/13/2013 07:08 AM, Paul Nikolich wrote:
Dear EC,

Below is the process that the SA specified in the case your group would
like to have access to a published standard in order to supply it to a
group outside 802 for collaboration purposes.  In order to memorialize
the process, I suggest that I add it to the 802 Chair's Guidelines. This
closes action item WS12-13.



The process as defined by the SA/McCabe:

The process for IEEE 802 working groups to request no-charge access to
an approved IEEE 802 standard by a legitimate standards developing body
for the sole purpose of standards development-related work prior to the
standard being in the Get IEEE 802 Program (six months post publication
of the approved standard).

1. All requests shall be made by the sponsor or working group chair

2. Email requests to Patricia Gerdon at

3. The email shall include: the standard designation and approval
date, what standards developing body/committee the request is for, and
a brief description on why the access to the standard is needed by the
standards developing body/committee

4. The IEEE-SA will provide one electronic copy (PDF) along with a
terms of use agreement (which must be signed prior to access being

5. The request shall be a one-time request specifically for standards
development related purposes. If the IEEE-SA deems the request to
encompass more than an exception for or addition to standards
development related purposes, the IEEE-SA reserves the right,working
with the IEEE 802 EC, to pursue a Memorandum of Understanding with
the appropriate licensing terms.

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This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector.  This list is maintained by Listserv.