Dear EC Members:
Last Friday in the EC meeting, we discussed a number of documents approved by the 802.18 RR-TAG. As I stated at the time, when the EC was unable to come to an agreement of certain aspects of the motions, I would resubmit for EC ballot today. The revised motions, which now closely follow the suggestions of Roger Marks, are below.
I am the mover, and Adrian Stephens has offered to second each of them.
Paul has delegated the conduct of the EC electronic ballot on the following motion to me.
"Approve document 18-17/54r0 and its cover letter in 18-17/57r1 as communication to ITU-R WP5C, granting the Technical Liaison to ITU-R and IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license, and submittal to the appropriate WPs on or before May 10, 2017. This approval is under LMSC OM "Procedure for communication with government bodies"'."
"Approve document 18-17/55r0 and its cover letter in 18-17/56r1 as communication to ITU-R WP5A, granting the Technical Liaison to ITU-R and IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license, and submittal to the appropriate WPs on or before May 10, 2017. This approval is under LMSC OM "Procedure for communication with government bodies"."
"Approve document 18-17/59r1 and its cover letter in 18-17/60r1 as our proposed update to Annex 17 of Document 5A/298-E (M.2003) in response to the ITU-R WP5A liaison, granting the Technical Liaison to ITU-R and IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license, and submittal to ITU-R WP5A on or before May 10, 2017. This approval is under LMSC OM "Procedure for communication with government bodies"."
Thank you.
Document links:
Rich Kennedy
Director, Global Spectrum Strategy
[HPE logo]<>
Board Director, Dynamic Spectrum Alliance
Chair, IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group
Chair Emeritus, IEEE 802.11af WLAN in TVWS
Chair, Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum & Regulatory Task Group<>
(737) 202-7014
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