Dear EC Members,
All 802.20 standards were withdrawn by SASB as of 7 May 2018. We may now
proceed to disband the hibernating 802.20 working group per the 802 P&P
5.2.2 Disbanding a WG (see text below). This requires a 30 day minimum
duration Sponsor electronic ballot. Since this electronic ballot is an
action specified in the 802 P&P, I do not believe a
motion/mover/seconder is needed. Therefore, I am initiating the
electronic ballot via this email, the ballot will close 10 June 2018 AOE.
Please cast your vote, I will keep the tally and announce the result at
the end of the balloting period.
5.2.2 Disbanding a WG
After all standards, recommended practices, and technical reports for
which a hibernating WG is responsible are withdrawn or transferred to
another group or groups, a Sponsor electronic ballot of 30 days minimum
duration shall be conducted to determine whether the hibernating WG is
to be disbanded. If the Sponsor electronic ballot on disbanding the
group passes, the WG is disbanded. If the ballot fails, then the Sponsor
Chair shall determine a future date when the disbanding of the group may
be re-balloted.
This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector.
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