[802SEC] Update on 15.10a tally
Hi All
At Roger's suggestion, I went back to check the abstains and in the
process discovered there was an error in the tally sheet formulas. It was
failing to pick up two rows in the count and this fact got missed.
As a result, two YESs were missed on the primary ballot and 1 new YES
vote was missed on the recirc. The No and the Abstains were all
correctly recorded. Below is the revised tally. Given this
development the conditional aspect of the approval has been met. This was
a stupid mistake and I really apologize for wasting so much of your time
today (although the discussion was interesting and it would still be nice
to get a read out from James)

Bob Heile, Ph.D
Director of Standards, Wi-SUN Alliance
Chair, IEEE 802.15 Working Group on Wireless Specialty Networks
Chair IEEE 2030.5 Working Group for Smart Energy Profile 2
Co-Chair IEEE P2030 Task Force 3 on Smartgrid Communications
11 Robert Toner Blvd, Suite 5-301
North Attleboro, MA 02763 USA
Mobile: +1-781-929-4832
email: bheile@ieee.org
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