I Approve,
On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 8:26 AM Law, David <dlaw@hpe.com> wrote:
Dear IEEE 802 EC members,
I would now like to proceed to the IEEE 802 EC electronic ballot on the 'Publication of three IEEE 802.3-2018 amendments' draft press release I originally circulated on 5th April 2019 19h21 BST. There are two additional changes in draft D1.4 being balloted
when compared to draft D1.3 that I circulated on Wednesday 10th April 2019 13h14 BST <http://ieee802.org/secmail/msg23313.html>.
The first is to correct a typo in the text '... to power the a wide variety of sensors ...' to read '... to power the wide variety of sensors ...', thanks Pete!!. The second is to change '... ranging across DC power distribution, wireless, copper cabling ...'
to read '... ranging across DC power distribution, wireless, copper ...' deleting the word cabling to recognise both the copper cabling as well copper backplane projects currently underway, thanks Geoff!!
Paul has delegated the conduct of the EC electronic ballot on the following motion to me. To ensure this release is issued as soon as practical I'm announcing the possibility of an 'early close' to this ballot (see below).
Best regards,
The EC supports the 'Publication of three IEEE 802.3-2018 amendments' draft press release available at <https://mentor.ieee.org/802-ec/dcn/19/ec-19-0068-00-00EC-publication-of-three-ieee-802-3-2018-amendments-draft-press-release.pdf>,
to be issued with editorial changes as deemed necessary.
Move: David Law
Second: John D'Ambrosia
Start of ballot: Saturday 13th April 2019
Close of ballot: Tuesday 23rd April 2019, 23h59 AOE
Early close: As required in subclause 4.1.2 'Voting rules' of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) Operations Manual, this is notice that to ensure the release is provided in a timely manner, this ballot may close early once sufficient responses
are received to clearly decide a matter. Sufficient responses to clearly decide this matter will be based on the required majority for a motion under subclause 7.1.1 'Actions requiring approval by a majority vote' item (h), 'Other motions brought to the floor
by members (when deemed in order by the Sponsor Chair)' of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) Policies and Procedures.
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