Re: [802SEC] +++ 10 day LMSC ballot: Authorization to purchase Framemaker licenses
The results of the ballot are:
Chair DNV
1st Vice Chair DNV
2nd Vice Chair Approve
Rec. Secretary Approve
Exc. Secretary Approve
Treasurer Approve
802.1 Chair Approve
802.3 Chair Approve
802.11 Chair Approve
802.15 Chair Approve
802.18 Chair Approve
802.19 Chair Approve
802.24 Chair DNV
The vote is 10/0, the motion passes.
James Gilb
On 9/9/21 8:16 AM, James P. K. Gilb wrote:
The Standards Committee Chair has delegated to me the following 10 day
early close electronic ballot:
This motion is brought under subclause 7.1.1, items requiring majority
approval, item g) other motions brought to the floor, of the IEEE 802
Motion: The IEEE 802 LMSC authorizes the purchase of Framemaker
subscription licenses with a cost not to exceed $15,000 for a time
period not to extend past December 2022.
Moved: Gilb
Second: Zimmerman
Rationale: IEEE-SA has offered to reimburse up to $15,000 spent on
Framemaker licenses to develop IEEE 802 standards. The process is that
we will submit the invoice to IEEE-SA and be reimbursed.
Note: Technical Editors who want access to these licenses will contact
the IEEE 802 LMSC First Vice Chair, who will determine the distribution
of the licenses.
The ballot begins today and will close 19 September, 2021 AoE.
James Gilb
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This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email reflector. This list is maintained by Listserv.