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Like most people, I have 2 or more meetings from 9 to 11 ET on almost every day, and on that Thursday I have one which I must run.
This time slot will assure many people are unable to attend. I appreciate trying to avoid conflicts during the plenary. However, selecting the time slot most likely to conflict with other meetings outside of the plenary does not really help achieve the goal
of broad participation across 802 IMO.
I strongly suggest avoiding 9-11 ET as well as other already scheduled 802 meetings. This means picking a time that may not be convenient in ET.
From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <> on behalf of Jay Holcomb <jholcomb@IEEE.ORG>
Sent: Monday, November 1, 2021 8:38 AM To: STDS-802-SEC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG <STDS-802-SEC@LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG> Subject: Re: [802SEC] 802.1 technical plenary Hi Clint,
02dec is a thursday if i caught the date correctly, thursday's at 1500et is the 802.18 weekly meeting for many years now. so would prefer to stay away from thursday's at 1500et.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Clint Powell <> Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 8:31 AM Subject: Re: [802SEC] 802.1 technical plenary To: <> So why not the 3pm ET slot then? Alternating in and out of the am sweet spot doesn’t resolve the issue.
BR, Clint
From: Glenn Parsons <>
Thanks Clint,
I picked this slot as it is currently the most equitable across all time zones. But that is also why there are multiple calls in this slot.
That said, the 9am ET slot is poor for Australia. The World Clock Meeting Planner - Results (
Which is why we moved the EC slot to 3pm ET. But that slot is poor for the rest of Asia (but there are no EC members from Asia).
Another alternative is that we could alternate slots, as I plan to hold a series of these.
Cheers, Glenn
From: Clint Powell <>
On Behalf Of Clint Powell
Glenn, Thank you for the notification. I would like to suggest holding this plenary later in the day – during a time similar to the monthly EC calls. Myself as well as many others are overly inundated with multiple parallel calls in the 8am-11am Eastern time slot. I’m sure we’d all like to be as focused as possible during this important series of meetings.
Best Regards, Facebook - Wireless Consultant
Clinton Powell – Managing Director/Sr. Consultant 1563 W Kaibab Dr | Chandler, AZ 85248 M: 480 586-8457 S: clintonpowell
SCE - Wireless Consultant IEEE 802.15 Vice Chair IEEE 802.15 Secretary IEEE 802.15.14 SG NS-UWB Chair Connectivity Standards Alliance - IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC Advisory Group Chair Connectivity Standards Alliance - Matter CSG Certification Policy & Procedure Tiger Team Lead Connectivity Standards Alliance - Access Control Work Group Steering Committee At-Large Member
From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <>
On Behalf Of Glenn Parsons
Based on some offline discussions with Paul and others, I would like to restart the 802.1 technical plenaries to kick off a wider discussion on the 802 Overview & Architecture, as well as address cross 802 issues.
To avoid conflict during the busy virtual November plenary, the first in the series will be on Dec 2nd from 9-11am ET.
This series of meetings would:
In addition, this would provide the opportunity to discuss technical points across all WGs, for example:
Topics for discussion are invited and should be proposed to the 802.1 WG chair. The agenda and topics for the first meeting will be posted 14 days in advance.
Attendance is open to all 802 WG participants. To ensure all WGs are represented, 802 WG chairs are invited to identify at least one voting member to attend the technical plenary.
I would encourage you to inform your WGs about the technical plenary:
I will introduce this as well during the EC meeting on Nov 5th.
Cheers, Glenn.
-- Glenn Parsons Chair, IEEE 802.1 WG +1-514-379-9037
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