***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <> on behalf of Benjamin Rolfe <ben@BLINDCREEK.COM>
Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 8:42 AM
Subject: [802SEC] Proposed rule change for in person attendance requirement.
A question arose this morning regarding the proposed change. I think I know the answer but would appreciate verification/denial.
Someone attends this week virtually. Still counts because the current rules say it's credited attendance.
They attend the May wireless interim (or any other credited interim) in person. Thus they are eligible to become a WG voter at the start of the July plenary. Do they need to attend
July in person?
From my reading we have not added "in person" requirement for July in this scenario.
Additional comment: in the summary slides someone put something suggesting attending 1.5 meetings per year in person was what is required. While I thought that was clear Sunday,
quite a few people became confused, thinking this was saying attending 50% of a meeting had value. We should take that off the slide. THe part that says 2 one year and 1 the next is sufficient and not wrong.
Benjamin A. Rolfe
Blind Creek Associates
+1 408 332 0725 (Mobile)
+1 408 395 7207 (Office)

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