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[802SEC] Update on WG15 Motion Agenda Item for Sept. LMSC Telecon


The WG15 ballot approving requesting LMSC approval to move P802.16t D4.0 to SA ballot closed on Sun. Aug. 25th with the following results:

  • Passed in the Working Group:  91 yes, 0 no, 4 abstain


and an updated WG15 package (15-24-0367-04-016t) has been posted on Mentor.



WG15 is still seeking to have the below motion on the agenda for the September 3rd LMSC Telecon.



Motion: Approve sending P802.16t D4.0 to Standards Association Ballot.

Confirm the CSD for P802.16t in ec-19-0222-00-ACSD.

Moved by: Clint Powell

Seconded by: Tim Godfrey

The updated WG15 package supporting this motion can be found at: 15-24-0367-04-016t



Best Regards,

Clint Powell

Managing Director – Wireless IoT Standardization, PWC LLC

IEEE 802.15 WG Chair & 802 LMSC Executive Committee


IEEE 802.15 TG4ab (NG-UWB) - Vice Chair

IEEE 802.15 TG14 (UWB-AHN) - Chair (acting)

CSA IEEE 802.15.4 PHY/MAC Advisory Group - Chair

CSA Aliro CSG Certification Policy & Procedure - Tiger Team Lead

Mobile/WhatsApp: 480 586-8457    Email:

Skype: clintonpowell




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