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[802SEC] [Corrected] Ballot closed // Fwd: +++EC Motion+++ Approval of submission in response to Qatar CRA’s consultation on the IoT and M2M position paper

Dear EC members,

I would like to thank the voting members for their replies on this 10-day EC motion.  This ballot was completed on 27 September 2024.

In accordance with Section 4.1.2 (Voting rules) of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee (LMSC) Operations Manual, this electronic ballot is closed.  Please see below for results of the ballot, and per 7.2.1 (IEEE 802 LMSC public statements to government bodies) of the Operations Manual for the results, the motion passes.

CHJames PK Gilb    DNV
VCDave Halasz APP  
VCGeorge Zimmerman APP   
TRClint Chaplin APP   
RSJohn D'Ambrosia APP  
ESJon W Rosdahl   ABS 
01Glenn Parsons    DNV
03David Law APP   
11Robert Stacey APP   
15Clint Powell APP   
16Roger MarksNV    
18Edward Au APP   
19Tuncer Baykas APP   
21Subir DasNV    
22Apurva ModyNV    
24Tim Godfrey APP   
MEPaul NikolichNV    
MEGeoffrey ThompsonNV    
MEJason PotterfNV    
VCVice Chair     
RSRecording Secretary     
ESExecutive Secretary     
<n>WG <n> Chair     
MEMember Emeritus     
 Results analysis     
 Return %:84.6    
 Approve %:100.00    
 Early Close Approve %:83.3    
 Required return >= %:50.00    
 Required approval >= %:66.67    


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Edward Au <>
Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 8:56 PM
Subject: +++EC Motion+++ Approval of submission in response to Qatar CRA’s consultation on the IoT and M2M position paper

Dear colleagues,

With this email I would like to announce the start of a LMSC ballot on a draft response to the Qatar Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA)’s consultation “Position Paper on IoT and M2M in the State of Qatar”.

James has delegated to me to conduct a LMSC (EC) 10-day electronic ballot on the motion below to approve the comments to the administration.  This EC motion is per IEEE 802 OM 7.2.1 Procedure, P&P 7.1 b) (majority response) and P&P 7.1.2 (2/3 approval of votes cast) for communication with government bodies and public statements.  With that we would like to see everyone respond.
Move to approve document for submission to CRA before the submission deadline, with editorial license granted to the IEEE 802.18 chair.
o   Approved in the RR-TAG: _17_ / _0_ / _1_ (The Chair did not vote)

Mover:     Edward Au
Seconder:  Clint Powell

Start of ballot: 18 September 2024
Close of ballot: 27 September 2024

Reference document


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Edward Au <>
Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 3:47 PM
Subject: +++ EC review +++ a draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission to Qatar CRA

Dear colleagues,

I would like to request the review of the following draft IEEE 802 LMSC submission by Monday, 16 September 2024, A.O.E, before asking the EC to consider approval of the submission tentatively via a letter ballot.

On 25 August 2024, Qatar's Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) launched a public consultation on its position paper entitled "Position Paper on IoT and M2M in the State of Qatar".  , The administration proposes to position Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 6 GHz), Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Z-Wave as the same category of access technologies for local area networks (there is no mention about IEEE 802.11ah (sub 1 GHz), UWB, and Wi-SUN though).  

A couple of individuals prepared a response to ask the administration to consider taking into account IEEE 802.11ah, IEEE 802.15.4 UWB, and IEEE 802.15.4 Wi-SUN in the position paper. The submission was reviewed and approved by IEEE 802.18 on 12 September 2024 with the following voting results:  17 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain.

Link to the draft response:



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