I'll volunteer to lead the discussion on "Maintain/improve platforms" at the workshop.
From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <> on behalf of David Halasz <dave.halasz@IEEE.ORG>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2024 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: [802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop -- topic leader volunteer update
Sounds like a topic for IEEE 802.19.
Dave H.
Hi All,
It is very clear that wireless coexistence is a critical topic for the future of wireless technologies and growth of the industry. The spectrum most used by our standards, what is termed "mid band", is a finite resource. Mid band is an ever expanding definition
but presently above 1 GHz up to about 12 GHz or so. We have multiple 802 standards that are increasingly operating in overlapping spectrum. We have a lot of discussions, some might be considered contentious, about coexistence. We have several things in
our process and rules that suggest we (802) acknowledge the significance of coexistence; we even have a Wireless Coexistence Working Group. We have heard differing opinions regarding the role this working group should have. At the last EC workshop we had
an active discussion which concluded inconclusively - suggesting to me at least that we need more work on this at the LMSC level.
Presently we have no clear consistency in how we approach the topic, how we interpret the requirements for "coexistence assessment", and how we achieve useful outcomes spanning multiple working groups. To be blunt, some of our coexistence assessments are detailed
and thoughtful, some are superficial and mostly free of useful content. The scope of coexistence assessment, while not precisely defined, suggests by it's name it is about identifying issues, not developing solutions. Recently we have made efforts to collaborate
between working groups, and it has become clear to me that :
There is great potential with the minds available to do some good things
There is a critical need for leadership in the industry in providing guidance on how to achieve positive coexistence and that due to (1) 802 is well qualified to provide that leadership
There is little to no agreement on how we should get this done in 802
Thus I think that this is an important topic, which deserves the attention of the LMSC. I don't think this is a one-time discussion, I believe it needs to be an ongoing evolution, but the potential value is great.
That is one contributors opinion. I look forward to hearing other opinions.
Thanks and best regards
On 9/26/2024 11:11 PM, Paul Nikolich wrote:
Dear Ben,
"Wireless coexistence culture in 802" is a new topic, we don't have agreement that it should be on the 802 Workshop agenda yet. You will need to get consensus that it should be added first.
I'm on vacation now, I suggest you poll our colleagues prior to the Tuesday 802 lmsc call and report the result to Stephen McCann, so he can add it to his Workshop Update agenda item. If there is consensus, then, yes you may lead the discussion on that item.
Thank you for volunteering.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 9/26/24 7:22 PM (GMT+02:00)
Subject: Re: [802SEC] November 802 LMSC Workshop -- topic leader volunteer update
Hi Paul,
Have you had a volunteer yet to lead a discussion on "wireless coexistence culture in 802"? I think that this is an important topic.
On 9/26/2024 2:24 AM, Paul Nikolich wrote:
Dear All,
The current set of confirmed volunteer leaders for the 802 LMSC Workshop are shown in
BOLD below. This is great progress, thank you to all that have stepped up to lead topic discussions.
Two topic leaders are TBDs and awaiting confirmation:
- Maintain/improve platforms
- Collaborative Activities with SDOs.
Please consider volunteering for those positrons -- you don't have to be an 802 LMSC member.
Please Steven McCann know before the Tuesday 01 Oct 802 LMSC telecon if possible, so Steven can include it in his report.
Thank you and regards,
Chair: Nikolich
Secretary/Amanuensis*: McCann
Short Term Topics
Attendance requirements – in person vs remote. Law
Improving quality and resiliency of mixed-mode experience. Potterf/Zimmerman
Maintain/improve existing SW platforms: Web pages (content and web platform), Mentor, IMAT, email archive, calendar, Grouper, etc.
Initiate additional IEEE 802 Milestone activities. Nikolich
Improve collaboration with Computer Society. Au
Long Term Topics
Revisit 802 LMSC Scope. Gilb
Leadership succession planning and participant support. Halasz
Collaborative activities with other SDOs, Alliances, SIGs, etc. TBD
Discuss permissible commercial activities. Peter Yee
Improve recognition of exceptional performance. Powell
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