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P802-REVc comment resolution

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The 802.1 Maintenance group met and resolved the outstanding comment from the Standards Association second recirculation ballot.

The resolution was to reject with the following reason:
The comment is out of scope as it is not a comment on a changed portion of the draft.  Refer this change to IEEE SA Editorial staff for consideration during preparation for publication.

The resolution can be found in:

As this is not a comment within the scope of the recirculation, an additional recirculation is not required.
(IEEE SASB Operations Manual, section,"Further resolution efforts, including additional recirculation ballots, shall be required if Do Not Approve votes with new comments within the scope of the recirculation are submitted.")

I will notify the WG Chair and the balloter that the comment has been deemed out of scope of the recirculation.
The decision of the group is to ask the 802.1 WG Chair submit to RevCom by the 29 October 2024 deadline for the December 2024 RevCom/SASB meeting.

According to our operations manual "Submissions may be forwarded to RevCom without IEEE 802 LMSC Approval or Conditional Approval in order to meet the submittal requirements for the next RevCom meeting, provided that the IEEE 802 LMSC Chair first notifies the IEEE 802 LMSC email reflector that, in the IEEE 802 LMSC Chair’s view based on the complete RevCom package, there is a reasonable expectation that the submittal will be approved by the IEEE 802 LMSC before the RevCom meeting."

In my view "based on the complete RevCom package, there is a reasonable expectation that the submittal will be approved by the IEEE 802 LMSC before the RevCom meeting."

Therefore, I ask the IEEE 802.1 WG chair to authorize submission of P802, D2.2 to RevCom for consideration on the December agenda.

James Gilb
IEEE P802-REVc Technical Editor
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

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