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[802SEC] IEEE 802 LMSC 5 Day Review +++ Feedback on proposed revision to the External Power Supplies Regulation

Dear IEEE 802 LMSC members,

The IEEE 802.3 Working Group is conducting an email ballot of feedback in response to the European Commission's request for public feedback on a proposed revision to the External Power Supplies Regulation <> that ends on 16 December 2024. I'm, therefore, announcing the start of the five-day review required by subclause 7.2.2 'IEEE 802 LMSC subgroup public statements to government bodies' of the IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual 'For public statements not presented for review in a sponsor [sic] meeting ...'.

The draft feedback can be accessed at <>. If there is no motion to block made before Saturday, 14 December 2024 AOE (23:59 UTC-12), and the IEEE 802.3 Working Group email ballot passes, I'll go ahead and submit the feedback. 

I apologise for conducting this review parallel to the IEEE 802.3 Working Group email ballot. We became aware of this proposed revision late last week and can only meet the feedback deadline by taking this approach. Once available, I will report the IEEE 802.3 Working Group email ballot results to the IEEE 802 LMSC.

Thanks, and best regards,

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