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[STDS-802-11-CAC] SA Ballot comments - reminder of required formatting of resolutions

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---

All, especially those chairing groups with drafts in SA ballot - Osama, Edward and Minyoung and myself –


Please follow the guidelines below in preparing SA ballot comment resolutions:


(a)    All references to resolution documents or minutes or agendas must include the full URL, not just 11-20/xxxxrx or 20/xxxxrx

(b)   Do not include references to other comments; our internal WG spreadsheet CID numbers are not immediately visible to the SA ballotters; it’s ok to reference an internal CID number as part of editing instructions, when the CID is an identifier in a resolution document.

(c)    If a comment is ACCEPTED, REVCOM expects the resolution field to be blank; If further instructions to the editor are needed for clarification, include in the Editor notes.

(d)   Revised resolutions must be actions: “Change “x” to “y” or “Make the changes under “CID Number” in document <full URL> which “explanation”. A resolution such as “See CID xxx” is not sufficient.


Thanks very much, and let me know if you have any questions.





Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


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