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[STDS-802-11-CAC] Annotated agenda from 2020-09-11 CAC teleconference

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---



The annotated agenda from our Friday, Sept 11th teleconference is below.


Let me know of any additional agenda items for the September electronic Interim meeting next week.







2020-09-11 802.11 CAC-4 for September 2020

1.       Present

a.       Dorothy Stanley

b.      Marc Emmelmann

c.       Bo Sun

d.      Mark Hamilton

e.      Lei Wang

f.        Peter Ecclesine

g.       Jon Rosdahl

h.      Edward Au

i.         Robert Stacey

j.        Alfred Asterjadhi

k.       Osama Aboul-Magd

l.         Carol Ansley

m.    Jim Lansford

n.      Jonathan Segev

o.      Joseph Levy

p.      Tony Han

q.      Jonathan Goldberg

r.        Minyoung Park

s.       Stuart Kerry

t.        Stephen McCann

2.       July follow-up items

a.       Action: Webpage and timeline updates – to Stephen

                                                               i.      Any outstanding webpage and timeline updates – expected update cadence is: every interim/plenary, more frequently if status updates are warranted. Stephen: Timelines updated. Webpages: Goal – after Sept meeting, all webpages up to date.

                                                             ii.      SA ballot page updated with P802.11REVmd ballot

                                                            iii.      Ballot order:

1.       md ballot: August 21 – Sept 4 Closed, passed. 82 comments. Goal of motion for WG/EC Conditional to RevCom next week

2.       11ax ballot: Sept 2 – Sept 17 Open

3.       11ay: Sept 14 – Sept 29 (on track)

4.       11ba: Sept 16 – Oct 1 (on track, waiting for 11ay updates to be completed)

                                                           iv.      Stephen McCann gathering all teleconference dates, see confirm the dates – let Stephen know of any errors.

3.       September electronic interim session -WG11 Plenary meetings

a.       Review draft agenda and graphic – several changes made

b.      WG ballots, Sept plenary motions

                                                               i.      11bc: Goal is Motion for WG initial ballot in Sept session; Friday closing plenary motions

                                                             ii.      11bd: Goal is Motion for WG initial ballot in Sept session; Friday closing plenary motions

                                                            iii.      11bb: January/March for initial WG ballot

                                                           iv.      11md – September motion for conditional approval to submit to RevCom

                                                             v.      WG: Subgroup Chair  & Liaison officer affirmations

c.       Tool to use for motions &straw polls

                                                               i.      Default is webex poll mechanism, use this for all TG/subgroup meetings during the September session.

                                                             ii.      DirectVote Live is the tool that the IEEE-SA is investigating. Plan to use after the September session. Set up training for CAC early October.

d.      Subgroup motions held during the interim/plenary week(s) do not require 10 day announcement and approval. Advance notice is highly recommended.

4.       EC Agenda items going forward: Oct 6, Oct 30

a.       SENS SG – EC approved Nov 2019, re-chartered July 2020. Expect 11bf TG formation, no further EC action re: SG

                                                               i.      RCM SG – WG formation approved in January 2020. EC approval to form SG April 7th 2020. Rechartered in July 2020. Next EC action: First Extension at Oct EC teleconference

                                                             ii.      802.1 – include the 802.1 email on all of the RCM email announcements


5.       SASB

a.       P802.11ax PAR Extension – approved July 24 EC meeting, submitted to NesCom,

b.      P802.11ba PAR Extension – approved July 24 EC meeting, submitted to NesCom,

c.       EC August 4th – P802.11bf PAR/CSD approved and submitted to NesCom

d.       Status: All items submitted, no NesCom comments to date

6.       Future meetings

a.       November plenary (Bangkok); In person moved to 2022; electronic meeting planned

                                                               i.      EC: October 30 to November 13th

                                                             ii.      Original meeting was November 8-13

                                                            iii.      Possible dates: Nov 2 to 10 as proposal to WG

b.      January 2021 – Hotel Irvine is confirmed; discussion – January likely to be electronic; not official yet however.

7.       802.11 30th anniversary events – publicity, press release, video, etc

a.       First meeting of IEEE 802.11 Working Group was in September 1990

b.      Agenda items in Sept Plenary to acknowledge the milestone.

c.       Cake to wait until face-to-face meeting

8.       CAC meetings – every 2 weeks, schedule with 10 day advance notice. Noon Eastern.

a.       Next meetings:  September 17th at 11:15 to prepare for closing plenary; then September 28, October 12, 26, noon Eastern, additional calls to be announced.

9.       Snapshot slides – reviewed

10.   Round table

11.   Adjourn




Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


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