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[STDS-802-11-EDITORS] ANA Requests and Releases for TGbh

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Editors' Reflector ---
Hello Robert,

TGbh requests 2 more Element ID Extensions in Table 9-130 for the PASN ID element and the Measurement ID element.

TGbh can release Suite type 27 and 28 in Table 9-190. (keeping assigned value 26 for PASN with defined key wrap)

There is a name change for Table 9-373, Bit 16, now "Device ID Support".
There is a name change for Table 9-373, Bit 17, now "IRM Support".

TGbh requests an additional KDE selector: PASN ID KDE

Please let me know when these have been allocated so I can release our draft.


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