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[STDS-802-11-REG] DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team call: 10 Jan 2014

Greetings all,
   Happy new year!  As we discussed in our last call in December, we will begin our calls this year with a discussion about the draft letter to the FCC regarding the status of this group's work.  We will review this initial draft on the call, and invite people to propose edits via email throughout the week.  As noted in the last call, we need to achieve consensus on the wording of this document by the end of our call on January 17th in order to be able to begin the process of approval by IEEE 802 during the F2F meeting in Los Angeles the week of January 20th.

The agenda slides for Friday's meeting can be found at:

and the initial draft of the letter is document 14/25r0 and can be found at:

 The conference call schedule for all of 802.11 can be found at
     As mentioned in the agenda slides, I'd like to invite future presentations on::
 1) How CCA works
 2) DSRC field trials
 3) Use cases
 4) Proximity of public access points to heavily traveled highways
    * Minutes from December 13 DSRC Coex TT Call
(not available yet)
    * Agenda slides from conference call on December 13, 2013:
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Best regards,
Jim Lansford
Fellow, Global Standards
CSR Technology, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program
University of Colorado - Boulder
+1 719 286 9277


Meeting information
Date: Every Friday, from Friday, November 29, 2013 to Friday, March 28, 2014
Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)
Meeting Number: 745 070 623
Meeting Password: wirelesslan

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