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[STDS-802-11-REG] DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team call: 20 Dec 2013 *** CANCELLED ***

Greetings all,
   A number of people who would need to be on the call to continue the discussion we were having last Friday will be participating in the US JTG 4-5-6-7 call tomorrow, and won't be able to be on the DSRC call.  So, I am cancelling the call for December 20; my apologies for the late notice.  I will post the minutes from the last call as soon as possible.
  I will also post an initial draft of the communique to the FCC in the next few days as well, as we discussed on the call last week.  Note that this group will have to achieve consensus on the wording of this document no later than January 17 in order to get into the IEEE approval process.
  Our next call will be on January 10, and we will discuss the FCC letter draft; I'll post an agenda in advance of the meeting.  Since we will only have two calls to finalize the document, I encourage activity and dialog over the email reflector (and hope those of you who have been having difficulty getting on the reflector can get those issues resolved - let me know if you continue to have problems.)
  Thanks for your participation in this group during 2013; I hope you all have a restful and joyous holiday and look forward to a productive 2014.
Best regards,

Jim Lansford
Fellow, Global Standards
CSR Technology, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program
University of Colorado - Boulder
+1 719 286 9277


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