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[STDS-802-11-REG] Officer election(s) in May


As required by IEEE 802.11 Policies and Procedures, Task Groups and Standing Committees are required to hold officer elections in May of even numbered years. Even though Standing Committee chairs are appointed by the WG Chair, the IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC is required to hold elections.

In the Tuesday (May 13th), PM2 meeting we will hold this election. We currently only have a Chair, but will consider installing a Vice-chair and a permanent Secretary.

I would like like to stand for re-election as Chair, and invite other nominees for this position, or the other proposed positions. 

Thank you for your continued support and participation.

Rich Kennedy
MediaTek, Inc.
(832) 298-1114

Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum & Regulatory Task Group Chair
Wi-Fi Alliance White Spaces Marketing Task Group Vice-chair
IEEE 802.11 P802.11af (WLAN in White Spaces) Chair
IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Chair
IEEE 802.18 Vice-chair (pro tem)
IEEE 802.11/18 Liaison


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