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[STDS-802-11-REG] Ofcom statement on authorization of SRDs in 870 to 876 MHz and 915 to 921 MHz

All (and especially TGah folks):

Ofcom has just released a statement on the subject spectrum. The link to the webpage is:

In summary they said: "Having considered the responses, we have concluded that we will authorise the use of SRD by licence exemption in line with the technical conditions specified in our consultation. Consequently we will exempt compliant SRD from the need to have a Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 ('WT Act') license.

We will discuss this in our April 8th teleconference.

Rich Kennedy
MediaTek, Inc.
(832) 298-1114

Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum & Regulatory Task Group Chair
Wi-Fi Alliance White Spaces Marketing Task Group Vice-chair
IEEE 802.11 P802.11af (WLAN in White Spaces) Chair
IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Chair
IEEE 802.18 Vice-chair (pro tem)
IEEE 802.11/18 Liaison


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