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[STDS-802-11-REG] FCC opens filing window for requests to be frequency coordinator for Medical Body Area Networks


IEEE 802 participated in urging the FCC to open these frequencies for use for Medical Body Area Networks by filing comments in support of Genaral Electric’s petition and the follow on proceedings through the work of 802.18. Frequency coordinators work with license applicants to assign operating frequencies in a manner that minimizes interference between systems operating in the same geographic area.

Released:  11/10/2014.  WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS BUREAU OPENS FILING WINDOW FOR REQUESTS TO BE THE FREQUENCY COORDINATOR FOR MEDICAL BODY AREA NETWORKS. (DA No.  14-1632). (Dkt No 08-59 ).  WTB . Contact:  Luis Zambrano Ramos at (202) 418-7952, TTY: (888) 835-5322

Some links for historical background, not in any particular order, from the 802.18 section of IEEE Mentor:


John Notor
President/Chief Technologist
Notor Research

Mobile: 1.408.316.8312


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