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[STDS-802-11-REG] Wireless Microphone and 600 MHz band unlicensed R&Os


These will be posted on the 802.18 section of IEEE Mentor later today.

PROMOTING SPECTRUM ACCESS FOR WIRELESS MICROPHONE OPERATIONS.   The Federal Communications Commission take several steps to accommodate the long-term needs of wireless microphone users. (Dkt No.  12-268 14-166 ). Action by:  the Commission. Adopted:  08/05/2015 by R&O. (FCC No. 15-100).  OET WTB

FCC ESTABLISHES RULES FOR UNLICENSED OPERATIONS IN THE TV AND THE 600 MHZ BANDS.   The Federal Communications Commission maximize unlicensed white space device's access to spectrum in the television broadcasting band and the 600 MHz band in a number of ways, while at the same time protecting licensed users from harmful interference. (Dkt No.  14-165 12-268 ). Action by:  the Commission. Adopted:  08/06/2015 by R&O. (FCC No. 15-99).  OET


John Notor
President/Chief Technologist
Notor Research

Mobile: 1.408.316.8312


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