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[STDS-802-11-TGAZ] TGaz Call For Submissions for the Vancouver meeting

Hello all,


This is a call for submissions for the Vancouver Canada meeting.

If you’re planning a submission and would like agenda time please let me know:

  1. Submission title
  2. DCN
  3. Topic.


TGaz targets for the Vancouver meeting:

  1. Review results of LB 240.
  2. Assign comments received during LB 240.
  3. Review comment resolution submissions to the extent possible.


Submissions prioritization will be based on the above targets.

Agenda document is 11-19-0200, please use the latest revision.



Meeting schedule for the week (TBC):



Best Regards,

Jonathan Segev,

Cell (WhatsApp): +1-408-203-3337 (note # change)


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