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[STDS-802-11-TGAZ] TGaz Co-Editor

Dear committee members,


As P802.11az D1.0 is published and TGaz just about to move to the next stage of resolving LB240 comments,

we expect much more work required for tracking, developing, documenting and implementing comments status and resolution.


As a result of that I’ve asked Roy Want to support the our Technical Editor work, and he agreed to the appointment.

Roy will be serve as TGaz co-editor supporting Chao Chun in his continued role.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Chao Chun and Roy for their immense time and effort investment allow the TG to conduct its business.


Best Regards,

Jonathan Segev,

Cell (WhatsApp): +1-408-203-3337 (note # change)


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