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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Call for members of 2 new MAC TTTs - Operating mode notification element and Operating mode indication in A-ctrl

Hi Arik,



Operating mode indication in A-ctrl

Po-Kai Huang

Wook Bong Lee, Xiandong Dong, Arik Klein






Straw Polled:


Motion 137, #SP277


On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 3:16 AM Arik Klein <arik.klein@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Edward,


Please join me to the “Operating mode indication in A-ctrl” TTT.





From: Edward Au <>
Sent: יום ו 22 ינואר 2021 17:19
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Call for members of 2 new MAC TTTs - Operating mode notification element and Operating mode indication in A-ctrl




If you would like to work with Liwen and Po-Kai on these two TTTs, please let me know and I will add you to the respective TTT(s).



Operating mode notification element

Liwen Chu

Wook Bong Lee






Straw Polled:


Motion 144, #SP328


Operating mode indication in A-ctrl

Po-Kai Huang

Wook Bong Lee






Straw Polled:


Motion 137, #SP277




On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 2:53 PM Wook Bong Lee <wookbong.lee@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Edward, Po-Kai, Liwen and all,


I have a contribution related to this topic.

11-21/0102 Considerations on Capabilities and Operation Mode: MU-MIMO.

Will upload soon.

I feel that my contribution need to be discussed in PHY first, so I put it in the PHY queue for now.

Anyway plan is to present it in joint as well.


Second, I don’t know which one is better as a name, EHT OM or Extended OM as it could be used in future amendments.


Third, please add me in the TTT of both sections.



Best regards,

Wook Bong Lee


From: Edward Au []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2021 7:11 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Action item on proposed change of SFD subclauses related to OMN element and OM indication in A-control



As discussed in the joint call yesterday, there is an action item for Po-Kai, Young Hoon, and me to locate an appropriate subclause (of the SFD) for operating mode notification element and operating mode indication in A-Control because both are better not included in subclause 5 of the SFD.


The following is a proposal suggested by Po-Kai and supported by Young Hoon.  Please do review and see if you have any comments.   I will update the SFD and volunteer assignment if I do not hear any concern by 11am ET, January 22, 2021 (Friday):


First, create the following subclause in SFD.
3.5 operating mode
3.5.1 Operating mode notification element
3.5.2 Operating mode indication in A-ctrl

Second, change the location of the following motion from 12.2 EHT operation element to 3.5.1 Operating mode notification element in SFD
The EHT operating mode change is announced by adding the additional fields (EHT Channel Width, Additional EHT Rx Nss) to the Operating Mode Notification element.
[Motion 144, #SP328, [26] and [299]]

Third, Change the location of the following motion from 5.4 Operating mode indication of 5. Wideband and noncontiguous spectrum utilization to 3.5.2 Operating mode indication in A-ctrl in SFD
A new Control ID in A-Control is defined for EHT Operating mode (OM) that enables indication of 320 MHz, Tx NSTS larger than 8, and Rx NSS larger than 8.
Signaling TBD.
[Motion 137, #SP277, [3] and [167]]

Fourth, create a separate row of 3.5.1 Operating mode notification element and 3.5.2 Operating mode indication in A-ctrl in volunteer status document. Assign Liwen as the POC for 3.5.1, and Po-Kai to be the POC of 3.5.2.


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