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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Comment collection on D1.0


I would oppose the modification to CC that you are proposing.

I believe that the distinction is clear between what a WG LB is and what a WG CC is.
But what you are proposing is some sort of hybrid between the two.

While the original motion during the closing plenary is not exactly what you are proposing, what was proposed was also some sort of hybrid between LB and CC and the group strongly objected to that proposal.
The objection was partly, I believe, based on the problem that it was difficult to understand what rules would be in place under such a hybrid mechanism.

The WG has two options today, WG and CC, which have served the group quite well through the years and each of those processes is well known.

If the group has a need to create yet another mechanism, then I would prefer that the group:
1. show why such a new mechanism is needed
2. through a group process, formally define the parameters of that new mechanism instead of haphazardly patching together bits and pieces to make something new, with implications that no one really understands.

If you really want a process that requires a thorough examination of all submitted comments, we already have that, and that is the LB.

Matthew Fischer
Nice Guy
Broadcom Inc.
+1 408 543 3370 office

On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 11:13 AM Brian Hart (brianh) <00000c7561051aea-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Alfred


Given that we’re having a comment collection on a draft labelled “D1.0” my expectation is that we will justify this label by processing the comments with much same process and diligence as we would apply to a D1.0 subject to an actual WG letter ballot. Accordingly, might we attempt to formalize this expectation via an 11be motion such as:


“No further comment collection or letter ballot will be held on the 11be draft until each comment received during the D1.0 comment collection has received an individualized and approved resolution.”


Accordingly might we add this as an agenda topic at the next Joint 11be session?


Best regards


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