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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] CC36 Volunteer Assignment Deadline: 07/09 EOD ET

Dear Xiandong,

Thanks for your patience.  You are now assigned the following 528 CIDs as a volunteer:

5664, 5663, 5662, 5661, 5660, 8217, 8216, 7470, 7338, 6969, 6745, 6744, 6546, 6545, 6544, 6512, 6338, 6337, 6336, 5730, 5729, 5075, 4939, 4938, 4937, 4784, 4707, 4706, 4490, 4161, 4160, 4159, 4158, 4123, 4122, 4117, 4089, 4088, 8053, 7859, 7430, 7429, 7428, 7427, 6968, 6950, 6949, 6948, 6335, 5949, 5880, 5876, 5082, 4936, 4921, 4662, 4435, 4434, 4157, 7865, 7471, 6548, 6547, 6416, 6386, 6356, 5879, 5878, 5877, 5875, 5775, 4767, 4723, 4716, 4715, 4712, 7858, 7408, 6746, 6415, 6414, 6413, 6412, 5938, 5520, 5349, 5348, 4783, 4719, 4718, 4717, 4433, 4156, 7857, 7634, 7633, 7469, 7432, 7431, 6543, 6511, 6510, 5951, 5950, 5881, 5774, 5728, 5519, 4935, 4785, 4432, 4431, 4155, 4121, 7632, 7631, 6385, 5954, 5953, 5952, 4920, 4918, 4838, 4782, 4778, 4774, 4773, 4772, 4709, 7462, 7084, 7083, 7082, 6898, 6780, 6676, 6509, 6508, 6334, 6333, 5727, 4711, 4708, 4311, 4120, 8052, 7730, 6897, 6879, 6866, 6507, 6506, 6497, 6062, 5874, 5771, 5196, 4934, 4781, 4780, 4779, 4777, 4776, 4775, 4771, 4769, 4768, 4766, 4765, 4489, 4154, 4152, 4242, 4243, 4423, 4424, 4425, 4486, 4487, 4702, 4703, 4704, 4705, 4761, 4762, 4763, 4933, 5223, 5224, 5613, 5669, 5670, 5671, 5680, 5846, 5847, 5848, 5849, 5899, 5935, 6066, 6067, 6071, 6135, 6216, 6217, 6218, 6220, 6422, 6550, 6621, 6742, 6778, 6779, 6881, 6883, 6884, 7614, 7615, 8050, 8358, 8359, 8360, 8361, 4049, 4257, 4379, 4380, 4381, 5055, 5056, 5212, 5255, 5275, 5276, 5277, 5278, 5279, 5286, 5376, 5382, 5606, 5647, 5666, 5674, 5836, 5916, 5982, 5983, 5984, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6139, 6203, 6270, 6271, 6272, 6273, 6277, 6278, 6279, 6359, 6360, 6399, 6400, 6401, 6452, 6453, 6488, 6601, 6627, 6628, 6629, 6642, 6729, 6752, 6753, 6758, 7366, 7386, 7515, 7722, 7723, 7724, 7814, 7815, 8034, 8188, 8189, 8234, 8235, 8336, 8337, 8338, 8339, 4588, 4587, 4586, 6937, 8263, 8078, 7772, 7698, 7697, 7663, 7561, 7556, 6973, 6699, 6126, 6125, 6124, 6122, 6001, 5902, 5514, 5513, 5388, 5367, 5315, 5313, 5312, 5121, 4888, 4811, 4658, 5546, 7739, 8161, 8160, 8077, 8076, 8075, 7799, 7696, 7695, 7694, 7693, 7692, 7691, 7482, 7038, 7037, 7036, 7035, 6998, 6823, 6698, 6697, 6091, 5545, 5512, 5465, 5120, 5119, 5024, 4887, 4886, 4885, 4884, 4883, 4583, 4508, 4507, 4329, 4328, 4327, 7903, 7902, 7901, 7900, 7899, 8074, 7908, 7907, 7904, 7897, 7690, 7689, 7688, 7402, 7391, 7354, 7353, 7034, 7033, 7032, 7031, 7030, 7029, 7028, 7027, 7026, 5901, 5798, 5797, 5796, 5589, 5511, 5204, 5203, 5118, 4882, 4881, 4880, 4582, 4506, 4326, 4325, 6514, 4584, 4346, 4345, 4344, 4324, 8073, 7898, 7896, 7740, 7687, 7686, 7685, 7684, 7346, 6932, 6696, 6695, 6694, 5544, 5510, 5202, 5117, 4879, 4502, 4343, 4342, 4323, 4322, 6146, 6145, 8159, 8158, 8072, 8071, 8070, 8069, 8068, 8055, 7895, 7798, 7797, 7796, 7795, 7794, 7790, 7789, 7683, 7682, 7481, 7409, 7350, 7330, 7025, 7024, 7023, 6693, 6692, 6691, 6690, 6689, 6487, 5795, 5794, 5793, 5792, 5791, 5657, 5543, 5542, 5541, 5540, 5509, 5508, 5507, 5440, 5439, 5366, 5201, 5199, 5116, 5115, 5114, 4967, 4966, 4965, 4964, 4963, 4962, 4961, 4809, 4808, 4505, 4504, 4503, 4501, 4341, 4340, 4321, 4320, 4319, 4104, 4097, 4096, 8067, 7474, 5539, 5200, 4878, 4877, 4876, 4875, 4874, 4873, 4872, 4807, 4300, 6485

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 4:43 AM 董贤东 <0000120bd98e7489-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Hi Edward,


I also would like to volunteer to help PoC on the CIDs related to the following  subclauses: Trigger frame format Multi-link (re)setup procedure Usage and rules of Basic variant Multi-Link element in the context of multi-link setup

35.3.16 Enhanced multi-link multi-radio operation

35.6 Restricted TWT (including all subclauses in this clause)




Best Regards,


Xiandong Dong


发件人: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
发送时间: 202179 0:45
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] CC36 Volunteer Assignment Deadline: 07/09 EOD ET


Hello all,


As discussed during the Joint call yesterday, I am sending this gentle reminder for the deadline regarding volunteer assignments for CC36. Deadline is Friday, 9 July 2021 EOD ET






Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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