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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] Discussion on TPE with EIRP for CID 18183 in 23/728r1

Hi folks,


During today’s joint session, we’ve recapped the issue, candidate solutions and prior spec text in 23/728r1 as in the highlighted summary below.


It’ll help the group make progress if you could share any suggestion on alternative solutions or any change to the proposed spec text in the CR.


Discussion for CID 18183:

Issue: for TPE indicating an EIRP, there is no normative text on how to interpret reserved values for the Maximum Transmit Power Count subfield, so the behavior of a legacy STA is unknown if any value between 4-7 is used

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To avoid interop issues with the legacy STAs deployed in the field, the group has discussed two options in the past:

  • Option1: Append a new subfield to the existing TPE, which is an extensible element
    • Pros: lowest overhead (1 octet only), proposed text in 22/1482r7 has been discussed
  • Option2: Carry an EHT TPE together with the legacy TPE in a Beacon frame
    • Pros: more flexibility for future expansion, not getting enough support due to larger overhead
  • Option3: any other proposal?

The text in 728r1 is copied from 22/1482r7 based on option1.






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