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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences for August 2024 (10 day advanced notice)

Hello all,

I am announcing two teleconferences for TGbe for August 2024:

-          August 14           (Wednesday)              – Joint*           10:00-12:00 ET

-          August 15           (Thursday)                 – Joint*           10:00-12:00 ET

We will use these teleconferences to review the result (and possibly resolve the comments that we will be receiving) of the recirculation SA ballot on TGbe D7.0.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD
IEEE802.11 TGbe/TGbn Chair,
Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445
Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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