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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Follow-up comments on DMG passive sensing during A-BFT

Hi Naren,

I have the impression that the effort to provide the DMG passive sensing during A-BFT does not pay off.

Let’s see the sequence of the passive sensing to understand why it happens.

  1. The DMG AP STA and the DMG non-AP STA use the BTI and the A-BFT to establish the beam link between the AP and non-AP STA.
  2. The DMG AP STA and the DMG non-AP use the beam link established at (1) to exchange the Information request and response frames. 
  3. The AP uses the information achieved in (2) to process the frame sent by the non-AP STA in (1) for sensing purposes.
  4. Once the beam link is established, A-BFT is no longer needed and will not be used by the non-AP STA.


Best  regards,

Solomon Trainin



From: narengerile <0000191914038692-dmarc-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 6:43 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBF@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBF] Follow-up comments on DMG passive sensing during A-BFT


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Dear all


This is Naren from Huawei. During the last 11bf, Ive presented a PDT for DMG passive sensing based on A-BFT to provide further information on the contribution.


Based on the SP results, and the fact that I didnt receive any technical question during the call, I genuinely encourage our TGbf friends who voted no and those who still have technical concerns to contact me and share your thoughts, which will be much appreciated. I will be more than happy to have a discussion.


If I dont receive any technical question or concern, I will run the SP again for the PDT, during the following 11bf call on Thursday.


Many thanks,


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