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[STDS-802-11-TGBH] Request for motions on upcoming TGbh telecon (April 12)



I request permission for the following motions, to be run during the TGbh telecon on April 12 (9:00am ET).  Note that:

  1. It is likely/possible the group will “down-select” from this set of motions, or quite possibly will combine one or more into a “set of documents” motion, as a combination of the subject documents of proposed single motions.  That will be discussed in the TG, prior to starting the motions.
  2. Documents may receive revisions, so the latest revision will be anticipated for motion.


Proposed motions:


Move to incorporate the text changes into the P802.11bh draft as indicated in the following document:

    • Moved:
    • Seconded:
    • Results:


Move to incorporate the text changes into the P802.11bh draft as indicated in the following document:

    • Moved:
    • Seconded:
    • Results:


Move to incorporate the text changes into the P802.11bh draft as indicated in the following document:

    • Moved:
    • Seconded:
    • Results:


Move to incorporate the text changes into the P802.11bh draft as indicated in the following document:

    • Moved:
    • Seconded:
    • Results:


Move to incorporate the text changes into the P802.11bh draft as indicated in the following document:


Thank you.  Mark

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