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[STDS-802-11-TGBH] TGbh teleconference tomorrow (April 9)



Just a reminder that TGbh will hold a teleconference (as a CRC) tomorrow, April 9, from 9:30am to 11:30am ET.


The agenda/plan is to review and approve resolutions for all comments received on WG LB 284, and to approve a motion to start Initial SA ballot under the conditional approval from the 802 LMSC (EC).


The WG Chair will post the official results of WG LB 284 shortly, but I have heard the preliminary results are that the LB passed with significant margin, and 20 comments were received.  18 of those comments have been withdrawn by the commenter (under the assumption they will be resubmitted on the Initial SA ballot).  I’m contacting the remaining 2 commenters to determine the status of their comments.  We will review and consider the disposition of all the comments on the call tomorrow.  Assuming we meet the criteria for conditional approval (which I will also review tomorrow), I will request a motion to start the SA ballot process.


A preliminary agenda is posted, here, with details on this process: .


Thanks to all for your hard work getting us to this point.  I look forward to achieving our milestone on the call tomorrow!



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