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[STDS-802-11-TGBH] Resolution for CID 3095 (to reject)



As follow-up to our discussion on today’s teleconference, and to make sure no one misses it, I took an action to write up a rejection reason for CID 3095 (see below).  This is my proposed text.


Let me know if anyone has any concerns.


Thanks.  Mark







"If the Encrypted Data field uses an AEAD cipher, the Encrypted Data field shall not be padded and the AAD
for the encipherment operation shall not be used and the number of AAD components is zero"
Based upon my (limited) understanding of AEAD cipher (that it is a stream cipher), this is a statement of fact, not a normative statement - no padding is used with stream ciphers.  Also the  second part is poorly specified (using "shall not")

Change to:  If the Encrypted Data field uses an AEAD cipher, the Encrypted Data field need not be padded.  The number of AAD components shall be zero.

Mark Hamilton


Agreed that when using AEAD cipher, no padding is needed.  But, the phrasing "need not be padded" is very informal and the normative expectation is not specific.  The current wording matches the baseline (REVme) wording for the Key Data field when using AEAD cipher, in 12.7.2. The CRC found no issue with the current wording. 

Ready for motion


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