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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Motion Request

Hi, Alfred,


Please update the following motion text to add one more supporting document: 24/0095r0


Move to add the following text to the TGbn SFD:

      Define a multi-AP Coordinated Spatial Reuse at TxOP-level with power control

      Define multi-AP Coordinated Beamforming

      Other multi-AP coordination modes are TBD

Supporting list: [23/325r0, 23/1917r0, 22/1822r0, 24/577r0, 23/1037r0, 23/1023r2, 24/529r0, 23/1832r0, 23/776r1, 24/1211r1, 24/839r1, 24/0635r0, 24/0639r0, 24/0880r0, 24/1204r0, 24/0095r0]

SP Result:

Y/N/ABS: 173/27/28






发件人: Guoyuchen (Jason Yuchen Guo)
发送时间: 2024718 23:38
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: re: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Motion Request


Hi, Alfred,


Could you please add the following motion to TGbn motion list? Thanks!


Move to add the following text to the TGbn SFD:

      Define a multi-AP Coordinated Spatial Reuse at TxOP-level with power control

      Define multi-AP Coordinated Beamforming

      Other multi-AP coordination modes are TBD

Supporting list: [23/325r0, 23/1917r0, 22/1822r0, 24/577r0, 23/1037r0, 23/1023r2, 24/529r0, 23/1832r0, 23/776r1, 24/1211r1, 24/839r1, 24/0635r0, 24/0639r0, 24/0880r0, 24/1204r0]

SP Result:

Y/N/ABS: 173/27/28






发件人: Huang, Po-kai <po-kai.huang@xxxxxxxxx>
发送时间: 2024718 2:22
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [STDS-802-11-TGBN] TGbn Motion Request



Hi, Alfred,


Can you help to add the following motion to TGbn motion list.


It was discussed in Wednesday AM1 11bn MAC and the SP indicates support.



Move to add the following text to the TGbn SFD:

Define in 11bn that when a non-AP MLD is in the process of roaming from the current AP MLD to a target AP MLD, the context related to the non-AP MLD is transferred to the target AP MLD such that it preserves the data exchange context for the non-AP MLD or the context can be renegotiated with the target AP MLD?

      • Details on what context can be transferred and what context can be renegotiated are TBD
      • How to transfer the context is TBD.

Supporting list: [23/1971, 23/1996, 24/0052, 24/0083, 24/0101, 24/0396, 24/0412, 24/0679]



      • Total votes: 206 in slidio, 6 in chat, 212 in total
      • Y:153, N:22, and A: 37 (6 Yes from chat)






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