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[STDS-802-11-TGM] CID 2336 small technical error

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Task Group M Technical Reflector ---



CID 2336 is planned for motion today, as part of “MAC Motion-AL”.  The resolution for CID 2336 is contained in:


The resolution reads:

Replace “Nc subfield” in P985L1, P985L4, P985L9, P4197L12, P4197L25, P4199L2, and P4199L6 (7 cases) with “Nc Index subfield”.


However, the text at location P4197L25 is actually slightly different from the rest, and from the target of the comment.  That location should not be included in the resolution changes.  I have confirmed this with the author of 11-22/0344 (Wook Bong Lee), and we agree that this location should be removed from the resolution.


So, I propose that the resolution to CID 2336 should be modified to:

Replace “Nc subfield” in P985L1, P985L4, P985L9, P4197L12, P4199L2, and P4199L6 (7 cases) with “Nc Index subfield”.



If any has concerns with that change, please let me know.



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