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[STDS-802-11] Joint 802.1Qbz / 802.11ak Webex meeting minutes

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

802.1Qbz / 802.11ak joint Webex meeting minutes.  Dec 3, 2012.

Call for patents was made.

Norm Finn presented first section of
bz-nfinn-pt-to-pt-problem-list-1112-v01.pdf, which is posted on the 802.1
web site at:

This presentation compares the basic data plane models 802.1Q-2011 Figure
8-2 and 802.1-2011 Figure 5-1, and claims that they are very compatible
with each other and with the point-to-point model for 802.1/802.11
bridging.  There was in addition some discussion over the "reflection
problem", which was resolved to the satisfaction of those present.  Some
suggestions were made for improving the presentation.

-- Norm Finn


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