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Re: [STDS-802-11] TGmc EDCA 16/0228r7

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Hi Mark, Adrian, et al,

I have uploaded 16/0228r7 which is the EDCA proposals discussed today at the 11mc telecon.  I have corrected the diagram as Mark’s comment about aCCATime is correct.

Reading it again, I maintain that in fact I am not making any technical changes to the procedure but I am cleaning it up and making it much clearer than the present text.  I also maintain that it represents a pretty small amount of text change (as can readily be seen by the small number of actual changes to the original text in the proposed resolution). 


I would request that those interested do please look at the proposed text to a) check that it is clear and b) that is does not represent any technical change to what we believe was the intention of the original text. 





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