Please find a tentative agenda for the call on April 22, 5pm ET. We will continue reviewing the comment resolution documents that were not covered in the TGba ad-hoc meeting.
Here is a tentative agenda for the call:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Agenda setting
3. Patent policy (link at the end of the email)
5. Presentations:
- 19/643 CR on miscellaneous comments - part 1, Minyoung Park (Intel Corporation) – first 5 CIDs covered
- 19/644 CR on miscellaneous comments - part 2, Minyoung Park (Intel Corporation)
- 19/645 CR on HDR/LDR comments - Minyoung Park (Intel Corporation)
6. Adjourn
Please note that teleconferences are bound by the conditions stipulated by the documentation below. Please review them and bring up any questions/concerns you may have before proceeding with the teleconference:
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Operations Manual –
The conduct of this meeting is governed by IEEE, IEEE-SA and IEEE LMSC policies, which include:
- IEEE Patent Policy
- Ethics
- 802 LMSC P&P
The following documents provide additional information on the governing IEEE-SA policies: