Dear all,
Please find a tentative agenda for the call on April 29, 11pm ET (1.5 hours). We will continue reviewing the comment resolution documents. Please let me know if you have submissions for comment resolutions.
Here is a tentative agenda for the call:
1. Call meeting to order
2. Agenda setting
3. Patent policy (link at the end of the email)
5. Presentations:
- 19/644 CR on miscellaneous comments - part 2 (continue from CID 2284), Minyoung Park (Intel Corporation)
6. Adjourn
Please note that teleconferences are bound by the conditions stipulated by the documentation below. Please review them and bring up any questions/concerns you may have before proceeding with the teleconference:
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Operations Manual –
The conduct of this meeting is governed by IEEE, IEEE-SA and IEEE LMSC policies, which include:
- IEEE Patent Policy
- Ethics
- 802 LMSC P&P
The following documents provide additional information on the governing IEEE-SA policies: