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Re: [STDS-802-11] 2022 May 802 Wireless Interim session - Mixed Mode

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Hello Mark,


Thanks for your questions. Responses are below.

We'll be discussing the May meeting details at the upcoming March meeting and on CAC calls.

All - comments, questions welcome.





1. Will the meeting slots be generally in Warsaw local time’s day (for sake of argument, let’s assume 8:00 to 21:30, local time)?

2. Further, will the slots be generally like a traditional F2F meeting, or “skewed”/favored to the 9:00 am Eastern time (3 pm local??)?


DS: The meeting slots will be in Warsaw time (Central European Time), the usual 8AM start, with AM1, AM2, PM1, PM2 and Evening timeslots. 

Subgroups will schedule/select specific timeslots. Given the realities of time zones, the PM1 timeslot is the friendliest globally, so will likely be fully subscribed.
We can consider adding an evening 2 slot if desired and if viable in the hotel contract.


3. Will the “week” be a calendar week, as with traditional F2F meetings, or more like the 2 weeks (10 days of 802.11) we’ve been doing on virtual sessions?

DS: The “week" will be the calendar week, as with traditional F2F meetings.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 6:02 PM <mark.hamilton2152@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks, Dorothy!


Can I assume that further information about the planning will be following shortly?  For example:

  • Will the meeting slots be generally in Warsaw local time’s day (for sake of argument, let’s assume 8:00 to 21:30, local time)?
  • Further, will the slots be generally like a traditional F2F meeting, or “skewed”/favored to the 9:00 am Eastern time (3 pm local??)?
  • Will the “week” be a calendar week, as with traditional F2F meetings, or more like the 2 weeks (10 days of 802.11) we’ve been doing on virtual sessions?


I’m sure this is all still being discussed, but I’m curious if there has been any direction on these sorts of questions yet, or if you know when such direction is expected.


Thanks.  Mark


From: Dorothy Stanley <dstanley1389@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, February 3, 2022 1:41 PM
To: STDS-802-11@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11] 2022 May 802 Wireless Interim session - Mixed Mode


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Dear 802.11 members,


The motion below was approved at the Wireless Chairs Standing Committee Meeting yesterday:


Move to hold the 2022 May IEEE 802 wireless interim in Warsaw, Poland as a Mixed Mode Session.


Moved: Ben Rolfe, 2nd Rick Alvfin

Result: Yes: 9, No: 1, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)


Thus we will be working towards holding a mixed-mode (in-person with teleconference access) for May 2022.

I expect the fee structure to be determined in early March.


Let me know of any questions.





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